What I Did To Prep This Week: April 25th – May 1st 2021

What I Did To Prep This Week: April 25th – May 1st 2021

Hey folks, just wanted to take a few minutes to check in with you all – even though you are in great hands with James. I will connect with you all again in a couple of months once we are past the Old School Survival Boot Camp event.

I hope you are all doing well. In spite of the ever changing spring weather – with it sometimes feeling like winter still, all is going well here on our survival homestead. A lot of new additions have been happening and one more to come very soon.

We acquired more meat rabbits to add to our cache of survival livestock. Two Pygora babies were born, and our wonderful new Pygora Billy goat is thriving in his new environment. It took him a while to learn how to truly be a goat – he had been kept more like a pet inside of a small fence.

One of our mini donkey, Jennies, will be giving birth soon – with two more to follow in about six months. These will be the first mini donkeys born on our survival homestead, so I am very excited.

With the roaming group of coyotes that keep paying us an unwanted visit, the more donkeys the better. They love kicking the stuffing out of coyotes for sport, making them superb livestock guardians of our growing goat herd.

Our gardening efforts are coming along nicely, and I still have seeds starting indoors. These dang noisy Banty hens are going to the outside brooder after it warms up in a few days, they are the noisiest chicks we have ever had and I am ready for some peace and quiet at bedtime.

We canned some milk and butter this past week, along with more chili and vegetable soup. We are making a big effort to not only grow and raise more of what we eat, but also to get into the habit of canning year round to stockpile more shelf-stable foods of all types.

A lot of our time has been spent working on the Old School Survival Boot Camp event – May 14 through 16 is just around the corner. Working the event has been massively time consuming to make sure it is pulled off flawlessly and it is well attended, but our efforts will be worth it.

Over 1,2000 folks to date will become far better prepared for disasters both large and small as well as being more self-reliant and less dependent upon stores, on a daily basis.

Here is a video preview of the event from our YouTube page to check out, I hope you enjoy it.

This Week’s Questions

  1. How are you preparing for a time when going to a grocery store is not possible – for either a short time or an extended period of time?
  2. Do you keep livestock as part of your food assurance preps – why or why not?
  3. Have pandemic restrictions loosened where you live, and are people still following the mandates?
  4. What did you do to prep this week?

via The Survivalist Blog https://ift.tt/2f3Mh9T

May 1, 2021 at 09:02AM

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